Still Walking - Aruitemo, aruitemo
Japanese film director Hirokazu Kore-eda will compete in San Sebastián for the third time, following Wandarfuru raifu (After Life, 1998) and Hana yori mo naho (Hana, 2006). A family drama about grown children visiting their elderly parents, which unfolds over one summer day. The aging parents have lived in the family home for decades. Their son and daughter return for a rare family reunion, bringing their own families with them. They have gathered to commemorate the tragic death of the eldest son, who drowned in an accident fifteen years ago. Although the roomy house is as comforting and unchanging as the mother’s homemade feast, everyone in the family has subtly changed. This is a typical family, bonded by love as well as resentments and secrets. With a subtle balance of gentle humor and wistful sorrow, Kore-eda portrays just how precious and exactly how annoying family can be.
Festivals & awards
San Sebastian Filmfestival, CEC AWARD fĂĽr den besten Film
Mar del Plata: GOLDEN ASTOR to Best Feature Film
Tokyo, BLUE RIBBON AWARD best director

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Press voices
«L’un des films les plus profondément vrais qu’on ait jamais vus sur la vie de famille.»
Le Temps / Norbert Creutz
«Kore-eda est au niveau des meilleurs cinéastes japonais, égal à d’immenses auteurs qui le précèdent: Ozu, Kurosawa, Naruse...»
Le Matin Dimanche / Freddy Buache
«Un film extraordinaire de subtilité, d’harmonie, de délicatesse, de justesse. Du très grand cinéma.»
RSR / Antoine Duplan et Marie-Claude Martin
«Sans cris et sans fracas, la petite musique de Still Walking s’insinue durablement dans le cœur et l’esprit comme un murmure apaisant. Les petites notes qu’elle égrène composent une mélodie douce-amère qui sonne juste et sans artifice.»
«Kore-eda conserve son œil aigu de documentariste des sentiments.»
«Das ist einer der zutiefst wahren Filme über das Familieleben, die man je gesehen hat.»
Le Temps / Norbert Creutz
«Kore-eda gehört zu den besten japanischen Filmschaffenden und ist gleichzusetzen mit den grossartigen vorangegangenen Autoren Ozu, Kurosawa und Naruse.»
Matin Dimanche / Freddy Buache
«Es ist so absolut packend, so sicher in seinen Feinheiten und der Betrachtung, dass der Rest der Welt, während du den Film anschaust, einfach unbedeutend wird.»
New York Times
«Funny and suffused with warmth...
A gem.»
«Ample et profond, tout en retenue, d'une sensibilité jamais mièvre, d'une dureté jamais pathétique, mais d'une force incontestable.»
La Croix
«Un film d'une magnifique discrétion, d'une incroyable justesse, bouleversant ...»
«This is a touching, intelligent and nostalgic picture... Cast offers splendid performances all through... A delight to behold – humorous, moving, affectionate.»
«A subtly nuanced family drama that resonates long after its hushed ending....
A flawless script... Refreshingly contemporary.»