
Anina Yatay Salas is a pensive redhead who really does not like her
name. Each part is a palindrome, which means it reads the same both
forwards and backwards. Her schoolmates are always teasing her
about this, especially Anina’s arch-enemy Yisel. When these two get
into a playground fight one day they are sent to the school head who
disciplines them with a nerve-racking punishment: they are both given
a sealed black envelope which they are not allowed to open for
an entire week. Haunted by nightmares, the days drag by endlessly
for Anina. She and her inquisitive best friend try to devise all sorts of
ways to discover what is inside the envelope. Gradually, Anina begins
to realise that not only does Yisel share her fate: she also has much bigger
problems to contend with than Anina. Tentatively, the two rivals
begin to get to know each other. Narrated by the voice of the young
protagonist, the film is able to follow Anina’s thought processes and
provide an insight into her emotional world. Anina’s day-dreams are
not always about her troubles and woes – they also reflect her awakening
feelings of love.