
Beautifully drawn and meticulously observed, the film vividly recalls the cinema of Italian master Michelangelo Antonioni with its poetic use of landscape and the incisive, exquisitely visual rendering of loneliness, loss and the often-elusive nature of happiness. During a sweltering summer vacation on the Aegean coast, the relationship between middle-aged professor Isa (played by Ceylan himself) and his younger, television producer girlfriend Bahar (the luminous Ebru Ceylan, Ceylan’s real-life wife) brutally implodes. Back in Istanbul that fall, Isa rekindles a torrid affair with a previous lover. But when he learns that Bahar has left the city for a job in the snowy East, he follows her there to win her back. Boasting subtly powerful performances, heart-stoppingly stunning cinematography (Ceylan’s first work in high definition) and densely textured sound design, CLIMATES is the Turkish filmmaker’s most gorgeous rumination yet on the fragility and complexity of human relationships.
Festivals & awards
2006 - Cannes Film Festival
2006 - The South Film Festival, Norway
Fipresci Prize
Oslo Cinema Award
2006 - The World Film Festival, Thailand
Best Cinematography
2006 - Bastia Film Festival, Corsica
Special Jury Prize
2006 - Black Night Film Festival, Estonia
Best Director
Don Quijote Award
2007 - Skip City Film Festival, Japan
Best Film
2006 - Antalya Film Festival
Best Director
Best Editing
Best Supporting Actress
Best Sound
Best Laboratory
2007 - Istanbul Technical University
Best Director of 2006
2007 - Istanbul Film Festival
Best Film
People's Choice Award

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Press voices
«The toxic final act of a doomed relationship is played out in a kind of cinematic real time in this superb, if painful and opaque movie by the Turkish arthouse master Nuri Bilge Ceylan - a film made remarkable by the fact that the male and female leads are played by Ceylan himself and Ebru Ceylan, his wife.» The Guardian
«Mit wenigen, statischen Einstellungen skizziert Ceylan das Binnenklima dieser bürgerlichen Beziehung: Isa (dargestellt vom Regisseur selbst), und Bahar haben sich als Urlaubsort antike Ruinen ausgesucht - Synonym für eine in Brüchen liegende Beziehung. Während Bahar an einer Säule lehnt und Tränen über ihr von der Nachmittagssonne erleuchtetes Gesicht laufen, fotografiert ihr Mann unbeteiligt zwischen Ruinen. Die aufgestaute Spannung kulminiert schließlich in einer großartigen Szene, in der Ceylan Traum und Realität in den Köpfen des entfremdeten Paares verschmelzen lässt.» Viennale