Memories On Stone

Movie director Hussein would like to shoot a film in his homeland of Iraqi Kurdistan about the Anfal military operation of the 1980s that led to the murder of more than 182,000 Kurds. The viewer follows the entire crew’s efforts to achieve the goal of making the film despite the numerous problems that accompany the shoot. They are forced to struggle with inadequate financing, the mistrust of the local inhabitants, the exaggerated and inappropriate demands of a nationally-adored movie star, and to fight the disapproval of Sinur’s father, even though the young woman would love to take on the starring role.… Memories On Stone is a visually sophisticated movie in which the director gently and effortlessly brings together the Kurdish past and present, while investigating with sincerity and gracious humor the traumatizing events suffered by his nation. Korki entirely avoids sentimentality, offering instead a personal and vigorous look at Kurdish history and mentality.
Festivals & awards
49th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2014, Horizons Section

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Press voices
«Selbstironisch, raffiniert und bissig ist der Film beschämend unterhaltsam.»
Michael Sennhauser, Radio SRF
Memories on Stone ist nicht nur ein Versuch, die Wunde der Vergangenheit zu heilen, sondern auch ein kluges und immer wieder überraschendes Bekenntnis zu einer aussergewöhnlichen Berufung: dem Filmemachen.
Pierfrancesco Basile, Tages-Anzeiger
Shawkat Amin Korkis neuster Spielfilm ist ein mit komödiantischen Elementen angereichertes Sozial-Drama mit solidem Cast.
Korkis Film hat Ironie und Witz gleichermassen.
Die Südostschweiz