Tous les jours la nuit - Mineros en Bolivia
For many years, the Swiss photographer Jean-Claude Wicky captured the world of Bolivian miners in photographs. When he discovered how strongly they reacted to his pictures, he decided to make a film. Black-and-white photographs alternate with film sequences, in which the miners talk about the harsh conditions of their everyday lives, while also rendering visible their pride, dignity, culture and dynamic traditions. Every day is night is first and foremost a testimonial of profoundly sincere human encounters based on respect, generosity and gratitude.
Festivals & awards
Festival Les Diablerets: Prix du public + Diable d'Or de la catégorie Culture du Monde
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Press voices
«Un documentaire qui brûle les yeux et envahit les cœurs.» Jura pluriel
«Le témoignage de rencontres humaines profondément sincères, fondées sur le respect, la générosité et la reconnaissance mutuelles.» Visions du Réel