Organize a film screening

Would you like to show a film outside the family circle? No problem!
A film is an artistic work with a value, and filmmakers are dependent on returns from the exploitation of their works. So anyone who wants to screen a film, with or without admission, is requested to pay something to the creators of the work. This can be done easily through the rights representative, such as trigon-film. In this way, you are also directly promoting filmmaking elsewhere.
In the documents below you can find all the information from the Swiss film distribution association about screening a film (available in German or French). trigon-film is the distributor of more than 700 film titles. You can find the complete list on our website "Films A-Z".
Book a screening: Online form
If you are interested in screening a title from the trigon-film catalogue, please go to the respective movie page and click on "Pro". This will lead you tou our booking form for organizers. Please contact us if you have any further questions.