Yumurta - Egg

Yusuf is a poet, trapped between countryside and big city, who returns to his small hometown after five years after receiving the news of the death of his mother. Ayla, a distant relative, awaits him in his now run-down home. He makes friends with Ayla and the mother's absence causes an argument with his own self.
Festivals & awards
Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival: Best Film, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Newcomer
Fajr Film Festival: Best Director, Best Technical Achievement For Cinematography, Best Technical Achievement For Inematography
Istanbul International Film Festival: Golden Tulip, Best Film
Sarajevo Film Festival: Heart of Sarajevo, Best Actress

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Press voices
«Zu den glücklichsten Momenten im Leben einer Filmkritikerin gehört die Entdeckung von Filmemachern, die mit Leichtigkeit sinnfiebernde Werke auf die Leinwand zu malen vermögen und darüber hinaus auch fähig sind, alle weiteren Fragen zu stellen, die hinter die Oberfläche und zur Keimzone der Bilder führen.» Alexandra Stäheli, NZZ