Fish and Cat
A group of students decides to camp on a desolate Caspian region which runs a competition of kite flying during the winter solstice. Not far from the camp, live Babak and Saeed, two grim cooks. Armed with sharp knives, they roam the forest in search of meat to serve the decrepit restaurant they run nearby. The second feature film by Shahram Mokri (premiered in Venice), “Fish & Cat” is inspired by the true story of a restaurant that served human flesh and its aesthetic proposal is a tour de force: a film shot in a single take (by the director of photography, Mahmoud Kalari), combining formal experimentation and suspense horror film with a sense of humor that is rare in Iranian cinema.
Festivals & awards
Special Prize at Venice Filmfestival 2013 - Horizons Award
Filmfestival Lisboa - Best Film Award
Busan International Filmfestival
Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo
Fribourg International Film Festival 2014 - FIPRESCI award, Youth Jury Award

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Press voices
«Bravourös choreografiert und höchst verblüffend. Skulptur der Zeit, fürwahr.» Tages-Anzeiger, Pascal Blum
«Une extraordinaire expérience - à découvrir absolument!» La Liberté, Eric Steiner
«Ein verstörend intensives filmisches Vexierbild.» Frame
«Eine Offenbarung: Shahram Mokris verblüffender und entzückender zweiter Spielfilm.»
Senses of Cinema
«Ein kühnes Experiment.» Filmbulletin
«Als hätte Marcel Proust seine verlorenen Zeit visualisiert.» JoF
«So leise politisch wie kompromisslos cinematografisch.»
The New York Times
«Brilliantly sustained, Fish & Cat is further evidence of a new generation of filmmakers emerging in Iran.» Museum of Modern Art
«Cult outlets should take note! Alles ist nicht so, wie es erscheint in Shahram Mokris hochgradig originellen zweiten Spielfilm, gefilmt in einer langen, bravourösen Einstellung.»